I was torn, moody and sleepy today.
After sleeping for barely 2 hours, I dragged myself out of the bed to meet up with Dengyi, Xiaowei and Suen to buy ingredients for the steamboat.
And the supermarket is like super freezing?! Even Suen, with her new jacket, says so. It was a pretty plain design of white background with orange stripes. Fancy it pretty much. (Mom and sis were actually considering buying.)
Suen's jacket.
When we reach Darren's house, everyone started preparing for the steamboat whilst I went to do my notes for Biology.
Half-way through, I was called to be their guinea pig for their dumplings. It was so nice that I kept stealing before the steamboat even started.
In overall, there are a total amount of 10 people who turned up for the steamboat. And the most amazingly is, we managed to finished all the food! (It's the first time for god sake.)
And yeah, we had strawberries, grapes, peaches, ice cream and even beer!
I think I drank most of the beer and they were like, "stop it la Dillon! Your face is already damn red."
They disallowed me to drink anymore and insist I'm drunk already!
Of course la, I'm effing fed-up and even showed them attitude.
Guys, I'm sorry. I doesn't mean to get flared up, but I don't see there's anything wrong with drinking beers even when your face is bloody red.
It's not like I will die from being TOO RED. I've to emphasis that I'm not drunk and I'm fully conscious of what I'm doing.
Hey, I can even take pictures of myself!
Half-way through, I was called to be their guinea pig for their dumplings. It was so nice that I kept stealing before the steamboat even started.
In overall, there are a total amount of 10 people who turned up for the steamboat. And the most amazingly is, we managed to finished all the food! (It's the first time for god sake.)
Table weren't big enough to place all.
And yeah, we had strawberries, grapes, peaches, ice cream and even beer!
I think I drank most of the beer and they were like, "stop it la Dillon! Your face is already damn red."
They disallowed me to drink anymore and insist I'm drunk already!
Of course la, I'm effing fed-up and even showed them attitude.
Guys, I'm sorry. I doesn't mean to get flared up, but I don't see there's anything wrong with drinking beers even when your face is bloody red.
It's not like I will die from being TOO RED. I've to emphasis that I'm not drunk and I'm fully conscious of what I'm doing.
Hey, I can even take pictures of myself!
But well, after 10 minutes of sleeping, I was said to become "normal" again. -.-?
Really man! How I wish I could spend my life like this forever; hanging out with friends, having open-heart talks, sharing every little secrets. However, I know these won't last forever. All of us are gradually growing up, and we know we will splatter eventually.
Therefore, I treasure the times we had now. Wealth or glory, it's not really important. What really important is, we've once shared one aim, one dream, one desire.
P/S: I guess I found back my motivation. Thanks Clique for all the coaching and supporting. BFF.
Sec 2, out somewhere.
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